29 June 2010

Diversinet, AllOne; mHealth; HealthVault; Dr Love; Smart meter telecare

Diversinet, AllOne settle for $4 million (US)
(Mysterious split)

mHealth: at the top of the 'hype cycle'?
(Jon Linkous - ATA - stirs it up)

Wireless med reminder test improves compliance by 27%
(Raising the question, how high-tech does it have to be?)

Top 10 trends in mobile medical technology
(Roundup item)

Microsoft HealthVault reaches Canada and the UK
(2 out of 10 for the launch execution)

Dr Love: oxytocin explains growth of social networking and Health 2.0
(Why online networking may be here to stay and grow in importance)

Mobile phones to deliver simple, cheap eye tests
(Outstanding development)

Smart meter telecare project (Scotland)
(Yet to show its full potential)

Final report of study On 'Business Models For eHealth' (EU)
(How to creating value and sustainability)

Preston, UK, good local telehealth monitoring story
(GE/Intel plays it nicely in first UK project)

The predictability (?) of human activity patterns
(Free lecture. Yesterday)

25 June 2010

Healthrageous; Vena/Qualcomm; telehealth; telecare; assistive technology

Healthrageous (?!) secures $6MM startup funding (US)
(Product development)

WHO resources: eHealth Intelligence Report, global survey
(Low-profile source for eHealth studies)

Vena/Qualcomm wireless platform announced
(Marriage of systems)

The uncertain price of mHealth--it's the data charge (US)
(Low plan limits reduce take up)

Scotland to get telehealth targets?
(But is it the best way forward?)

TLC for Ipswich (Australia)
(Next step in Tunstall's plan for Australia)

Camden telecare service promotional video (UK)
(Perpetuating a dated message)

Bulgarian MEP: "step up eHealth efforts"
(Targets issue - again)

F&S online briefing on European telehealth growth
(Free registration required)

$8.1 million gift for telecare project in rural communities (US)
(A big and positive bet on telecare)

Bionic hand waves hello
(Great assistive technology video)

mHealth 2010 early booking offer about to expire
(Expires TODAY)

Updates: mHealth Regulatory Coalition meeting; FDA
regulation of mobile health report released
(Essential reading for manufacturers and suppliers)

22 June 2010

PARO robot; COPD telehealth; healthcare technology; Wellpoint

PARO robot: ethical or not?
(Getting the 'controversial' treatment in Wall Street Journal)

Two intersections: 'Is an online telemedicine service legal?'
(View of telehealth issues in the USA)

UK better placed than the US to manage chronic disease:
lessons from the US
(Free report)

COPD admissions halved by GP practice initiative (UK)
(May not have used telehealth, either)

June's Telecare LIN eNewsletter published
(WSDAN event registration closes tomorrow)

Now it's 'u-health' from Korea
(New terminology in a useful roundup)

'Virtual reality' implemented for veterans' TBI and PTSD rehab (US)
(Pointer to the future for rehab?)

Price right, partner often: sound marketing advice
(Intense response to a marketing conference)

Open house in Boston to launch healthcare technology working group (US)
(Invitation for 30th JUne)

American Well adds WellPoint (US)
(Physician-to-patient webcam/telephone service)

18 June 2010

Telecare Aware Updated

UnitedHealth Group’s telemedicine initiative in national rollout (US)
(Using Cisco's HealthPresence)

Easing of hospital staff credentialing for telemedicine delayed (US)
(Problems for telemedicine providers in USA)

The unexpected eHealth, iPhone app hub: Minnesota
(Clinic; Monitoring; meditation; microscopes)

Digital Wellbeing Conference (UK)
(Conference news)

Highlands and Islands telehealthcare event report (Scotland)
(Event report)

BIOTRONIK's tenth birthday
(Home monitoring pacemakers)

SensorCare Systems Falls Awareness and Networking Day (UK)
(Seminar news)

PCTs fail to develop dementia plans (UK)
(Surprise, surprise)

Telehealth: boom and disruption vs. the 'brick wall' (US)
(Telehealth works. What's the problem?)

Xbox Kinect for healthcare?
(They think 'games', we think 'WOW!')

mHealth (r)evolving through the chaos
(Helpful article)

Nexus TV communication hub
(Connecting people through the TV)

TSA and Continua to develop a Telecare over IP Use Case
(Terminology problem raises its ugly head)

Buying Solutions Telecare NFA update (UK)
(The problem drags on)

A doctor's review of hospital rounds with an iPad
(iPad doctor works around its shortcommings)

Aetna, Intel Home Health Guide study announced
(Disappointingly generic yet 'promising')

Continua and Vignet to provide reference interoperable
software for smartphones
(Supplier news)

Philips: first ZigBee Health Care ‘reference design’
(Supplier news)

15 June 2010

VA telehealth; Robotics; Pico MASS; SeniorBridge; Remote mood tracking

Veterans' Affairs subcommittee hearings focus on telehealth (US)
(Upcoming House of Representatives hearing)

VA: telehealth innovation competition
(Financial help for someone)

Merely Human? That’s So Yesterday
(Beyond robotics)

Housing 21 seeks buyer for Complete Group (UK)
(Industry news)

Pico: a Medication Adherence Support System (Netherlands)
(New product info)

SeniorBridge: RMP and Skype (US)
(Working eclectic approach)

Irish Government's new telecare scheme
(Updated since posting yesterday)

New UK Government's emphasis on quality healthcare should
benefit telehealth
(But no one seems to be bothered)

Tunstall updates training tool
(TTT update)

Remote mood tracking: When is it telecare?
(Device roundup)

Mobile Health Expo
(Conference info, Las Vegas, October)

11 June 2010

mHealth; e-consults; telehealth; Assisted Living Technologies; Burnside Easy Answer Phone; Wireless Healthcare; Bosch

Formation of mHealth Regulatory Coalition
(Significant discussion on LinkedIn)

LA Times article on 'e-consults'
(Round up item)

New systems coordinate home health reporting with telehealth
(New players)

Does the internet make you dumber?
(uhh... umm...)

Mobile Health Expo 'call for speakers' now open
(Time to raise your profile)

Assisted Living Technologies for Older and Disabled People in 2030 (UK)
(Comment on an Ofcom report)

Burnside Easy Answer Phone now available from RNIB (UK)
(Market development)

Farewell to Wireless Healthcare Weekly News
(We will miss you!)

Bosch announces major telehealth project at Barnsley (UK)
(A significant start for a new major player)

8 June 2010

Telecare and telehealth; Technology and Older People; Google Health; Intamac and D-Link; Blackberry-Vodafone

It's raining telecare and telehealth good news! (UK)
(Steve keeps checking that he has the right glasses on)

UK market eye opener
(Question from a reader)

Technology and Older People: Call for Papers
(Time to write up your developments)

Is Google Health heading for oblivion?
(Or limbo, at least?)

Intamac and D-Link demonstrate new generation
home monitoring solutions
(Does anyone know what they are on about?)

Telecare projects in Taiwan

Blackberry-Vodafone to detect heart attacks (India)
(Remote monitoring development)

4 June 2010

UK Telecare NFA; SupraUK; Telemedicine; Medicare; Lifecomm

Old UK Telecare NFA expires; new one is delayed
(Suppliers left in limbo - again)

SupraUK new product
('Ello,'ello, 'ello!)

Telemedicine--a gold rush on horizon?
(New York Times roundup)

Does technology mean more efficient care? Or just more care?
(Dana Blankenhorn think-piece)

Towers Watson: 90% of employers believe 'health reform'
increases benefit costs--eHealth as remedy?
(Jane Sarasohn-Kahn digs into the study)

Will Medicare cuts help..or hurt...telehealth adoption?
(It could go either way)

'Doc in poc', mental health edition
(Mental health state monitoring ripe for telehealth)

CellTrak's mobile tracking for home care workers
(Bridging the tech gap)

A new life for Lifecomm
(Having evolved into a lightweight PERS device)

Nano-ink tattoos could monitor diabetes
(Pointer to the future)

Hft in awards finals for 'Personalised Technology' (UK)
(UK charity for people with learning disabilities)

1 June 2010

ECCH; CUHTec; GPS Shoes; NextAlarm ; Visonic; Continua Alliance

ECCH as in 'blecch' (N. Ireland)
(Slumping from hero to zero)

Forthcoming CUHTec telecare courses (UK)
(Amended course dates)

Coming soon: GPS Shoes (US)
(Strolling your way in a few months?)

EU Call for Tender: Coping with an Ageing Population
(Research opportunity)

NextAlarm: patent for two-way voice over internet (US)
(Good move or cause for consternation?)

Visonic to expand its PERS [telecare] range? (US)
(Our antennae twitched)

Continua certification video demo by Freescale
(Wondered how it works? Watch this)